1·Endure pain is an addictive thing, like a drug addiction on some level.
2·Only feel the patience to endure pain, hurt, resulting in consequences than a good friends.
3·Love, cannot say, I had to endure pain say, But tears can not let it fall? Can't, because I already was full of tears.
4·People in the face of happiness will suddenly become timid, seize the happiness than it takes more courage to endure pain.
5·Julius Caesar said, "it is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience."
6·If today you or because was anxious to get a job without thinking, then maybe will continue to endure pain for the results of my work.
7·The tattoo area is very sensitive, but the tattooing process is smooth, but also a girl can endure pain, work plans completed in three installments.
8·She will endure pain on our smile, her smile is that this winter warmest scenery, her to leave I feel the life the fragile, we should cherish life, cherish.
9·People in love with, which can not be gentle knife, endure pain, pull a knife, on the point of drug discovery, his two legs, I still in love can be strong wind.
人在情场飘,哪能不挨温柔刀,忍点疼,拔出刀,上点金创药,撒开俩小腿,咱照样在情场上可劲飘。 。
10·Toughing it out: Troubled European economies could, conceivably, reassure creditors by showing sufficient willingness to endure pain and thereby avoid either default or devaluation.